Hello, I'm Rue Kurosawa!Mexican cosplayer, photographer, artist, content creator and model.Favourite things? RPGs, anime, manga, nature, music, drawing, crafting and taking care of all my exotic pets.


I hope that by sharing my work, others can be inspired to try cosplay too or pursue their own passions.Don't forget to share my work, will help others to reach me! <3

Like my work?

Here are other ways to support me! All and any kind of help is really welcome and I would really appreciate it!


Im running a small business creating art and photography.
Im into prop making, 3D printing and wig making too! Still learning but enjoying a lot!
Also Im selling some of my cosplays and wigs If you're interested, DM me!

Upcoming events

Expo TNT42
August 2, 3 & 4, 2024

Animole September 28, 2024

ALA 2025

Fanime 2025


Let's work together!

Looking to work with me for an event or project?Feel free to send me a message!